army field kitchen

Vertisa Modular Military Kitchen Unit

A modular military kitchen unit; is a modular structure developed to provide three meals a day of cooking and distribution in the military field. Vertisa manufactures modular military kitchen units for many countries on a project basis. Vertisa, which has extensive production technology, is a pioneer in the production of fully equipped modular military kitchen units that can offer solutions to all needs. A modular military kitchen unit can be produced with desired dimensions and desired features and its construction is completed in a short time.

Vertisa Mobile Military Kitchen Trailer

A mobile military kitchen trailer is a mobile unit suitable for military use, manufactured by Vertisa on a project-based worldwide basis. These mobile units, also known as army field kitchens, can be designed and produced in truck types. The mobile military kitchen trailer, which provides practicality for its users carrying and setting up, provides the ability to take out food for many people. Also for military use, it can be used in disaster areas or social aid activities.