Vertisa Mobile Marketing Trailer

Mobile Marketing Trailer

A mobile marketing trailer is a mobile store or shop that allows you to sell your products in various places and also advertise your brand. Thanks to this mobile unit, which can also be used as a kind of mobile exhibition trailer, you can reach more customers and increase your sales and advertising activities. The mobile marketing trailer, which is fully customizable, is produced on a project-based basis by Vertisa in a fully functional form in highly aesthetic structures.

Mobile Marketing Trailer General Features

In general, the mobile marketing trailer, which is designed as user-oriented, has a very aesthetic appearance;

  • It can be used in all kinds of terrain and climatic conditions.
  • Long-haul performance is high.
  • It has an optional hydraulic expansion feature.
  • Its installation is very practical.
  • Exterior walls are designed according to preference.
  • Double-sided opening doors or sliding doors are determined according to user demands.
  • The platform length varies according to the need as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 meters, and above.

Mobile Exhibition Trailer

A mobile exhibition trailer is a mobile unit developed for you to carry out all kinds of business activities wherever you want. With Vertisa, which offers a wide range of options in the field of mobile exhibition trailers, you can get a sales and promotional tool that fits your needs. Produced by Vertisa in European quality standards, the mobile exhibition trailer can easily be carried out anywhere in the world for special purpose commercial works.

Marketing Trailer Manufacturing

Vertisa approaches all your needs professionally in the field of marketing trailer manufacturing and offers solution-oriented approaches. Vertisa has been carrying out its very stylish and modern marketing trailer manufacturing works for many years, so that you can easily transport your expensive equipment and valuable products wherever you want and make impressive advertisements about them. Optionally, a marketing trailer can be produced with an expandable feature. Thus, you can exhibit your products in a wider area, promote them and make sales.

Expandable Marketing Trailer

The expandable marketing trailer setup is very practical. You can easily control the hydraulic expandable feature with the remote control. The first thing to do for this is to position the marketing trailer in a suitable place on the field to be used. Then, it is enough to select the appropriate button from the different options on the remote control and press it. Within minutes, the marketing trailer expands to the dimensions you want, thus providing the largest space efficiency for users. Equipped with smart technology, an expandable marketing trailer is a fully functional marketing trailer type developed within the framework of Vertisa’s expert R&D group. You can contact our expert technical teams immediately for more detailed information about the expandable marketing trailer produced by Vertisa on a project basis for many countries.


Use Expandable Marketing Trailers For Your Events!

It becomes easier with the expandable marketing trailer to present your various events to a wide area and reach more customers. Instead of a fixed marketing building, the trailer of the market, which can be positioned anywhere you want, is customized by Vertisa to fully suit your needs. You should use an expandable marketing trailer to reach more customers at a much more affordable cost and to advertise your brand practically.

Mobile Marketing Trailer Prices

Mobile marketing trailer prices become more prominent in line with user demands. Mobile marketing trailer prices vary within the framework of changing details, desired width, and various equipment. Thus, before the Vertisa mobile marketing trailer goes into production, the cost report of the expert finance teams and the appropriate payment plans are presented to the customers. After the approval, the experienced production team starts the production work.