Mobile Commercial Trailer

A mobile commercial trailer; is a trailer or truck-based portable unit designed to be used for different purposes in different sectors. Vertisa, which follows the technology, integrates its knowledge and experience in this field into mobile commercial trailer manufacturing works. In this direction, Vertisa produced an expandable commercial trailer based on the needs of the end users. Vertisa, which never compromises on quality, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, has become the most preferred mobile trailer company worldwide. Commercial truck and trailer units are manufactured by Vertisa on a project basis; It is a mobile stage and theater trailer, mobile office trailer, mobile kindergarten truck or trailer, mobile catering unit, and more.

Vertisa Project Based Commercial Trailer

Project-based commercial trailer; is a mobile unit developed by Vertisa for different sectors. Vertisa, which follows the technology closely, always focuses on producing the most functional trailer types in line with the needs of the users.

Vertisa Mobile Workshop Trailer

A mobile workshop trailer is a mobile unit designed to carry out on-site workshops for different purposes in various locations. The mobile workshop is wide enough to accommodate all your equipment and is fully customizable. The mobile workshop trailer can be used easily in all climatic conditions and long road conditions.

Vertisa Mobile Training Trailer

A mobile training trailer is a mobile unit designed for training programs to be carried out anywhere. Also known as mobile school trailer. It can be produced in the form of a trailer as well as a vehicle or truck. The mobile training trailer is designed and manufactured by Vertisa by the needs. They are mobile solutions that are fully functional for in-service training programs of various institutions and organizations. Vertisa can optionally produce a mobile training trailer with the expandable feature. This allows users to achieve significant space efficiency.

Vertisa Mobile Toilet (WC) Trailer

A mobile toilet (WC) trailer is a mobile unit that is easily portable and aesthetically pleasing, specially produced for various picnic areas, open-air organizations with large participation, and remote construction sites. It is also known as a restroom trailer or a portable toilet trailer. The mobile toilet (WC) trailer, which can be produced in various structures as single, many, or separate sections for men and women, is designed by Vertisa according to the needs. The mobile toilet (WC) trailer, which has a wide usage area, can be produced in desired dimensions and its interior design is also designed according to demand.

Mobile Stage and Theater Trailer

A Mobile shower trailer is a portable mobile unit developed for various organizations. When used independently, the mobile shower trailer produced by Vertisa, which has the potential to be self-sufficient, can be easily transported to any region where it is needed practically. It has all the necessary equipment such as a hot water system, cold water tank, waste water drain, and sink. Up to 10 shower cabins are designed and produced by Vertisa in different capacities.

Vertisa Mobile Shower Trailer

A Mobile shower trailer is a portable mobile unit developed for various organizations. When used independently, the mobile shower trailer produced by Vertisa, which has the potential to be self-sufficient, can be easily transported to any region where it is needed practically. It has all the necessary equipment such as a hot water system, cold water tank, waste water drain, and sink. Up to 10 shower cabins are designed and produced by Vertisa in different capacities.

Mobile School Trailer

A mobile school trailer is a mobile unit developed to provide education services for populations of various ages living in different locations. With the mobile school trailer designed and manufactured by Vertisa in line with the needs, it becomes possible to provide on-site training services even to the most remote corners. Equipped with smart technology by Vertisa in line with the demands, the mobile school trailer offers significant advantages to its users in all aspects.

Vertisa Mobile Office Trailer

Mobile office trailers are trailer-based mobile units developed by Vertisa for both business and travel purposes. A mobile office trailer allows you to do your office work as if you were in an office building, no matter how far you are. With its very comfortable and useful structure, the mobile office trailer is produced in many countries by Vertisa on a project basis.

Vertisa Mobile Movie Set Trailer

A mobile movie set trailer is a trailer-based mobile unit developed for the movie industry. The movie is also known as a set trailer. The number of mobile movie set trailer rooms and interior design, which has different size options according to the needs, is projected within the framework of the demands.

Vertisa Mobile Medical Waste Trailer

Mobile medical waste trailer; They are mobile units used for medical waste incineration, established near hospitals, laboratories, or various health institutions. These miniaturized portable structures, which provide the same operation as large medical waste buildings, have become more attractive both with less cost and with the ability to be easily shipped in case of need.