Vertisa Modular Lab Unit

Modular Lab Unit

A modular lab unit is a container-based unit that is increasingly used in many countries of the world and developed and modernized within the framework of user specifications. The modular lab unit, manufactured by Vertisa on a project basis, can be used stand-alone as well as in a modular sanitary facility. The modular lab unit, which allows use on single or many floors, is produced by Vertisa by international standards. With this feature, the modular lab unit, which can be manufactured as optionally expandable, provides the largest space efficiency to its users.

Multi-Storey Modular Lab Units

Multi-storey modular lab units are complex laboratory units produced within the framework of needs. It is produced fully-fledged for different research and examination studies. It is provided as a single-storey or multi-storey assembly. It can be used as a separate unit facility as well as with a modular hospital facility. Multi-storey modular lab units, which can be produced optionally as expandable, provide an important advantage for their users with the greatest space efficiency.

Vertisa in Modular Laboratory Manufacturing

All modular laboratory manufacturing works are carried out professionally by Vertisa, whether for small-scale areas or in a structure to be integrated into a large modular facility. Vertisa can make a field visit at the very beginning of the modular laboratory manufacturing work you need, as it acts with the vision of offering truly solution-oriented approaches. Based on the area where the modular laboratory will be used, the modular lab with various design proposals from the expert project team. The first step of manufacturing work is taken. Vertisa always works with the experts and the best in the field, also during the production phase.

Advantages of Pre-Fabricated Modular Laboratories

Some of the advantages of pre-fabricated modular laboratories are;

  • It can be produced and installed in a much shorter time than expected.
  • Its installation is very practical.
  • It can be used as single or many floors for space efficiency.
  • It has all the systems and equipment that will enable it to be used independently.
  • Much more cost-effective than traditional laboratory construction.
  • Its location can be easily changed as needed.
  • It is expandable according to preference.
  • It can be integrated with an existing laboratory so that the existing laboratory facility can be developed effortlessly as needed.

What are the General Features of Modular Laboratory (Portable Laboratory)?

A modular laboratory, also known as a portable laboratory, is a laboratory unit that is increasingly used around the world. Fast production, practical installation, and cost-effectiveness make modular laboratories very attractive. A modular laboratory;

  • It has a single-pass air conditioning system.
  • Developed to provide the necessary environmental controls for safe laboratory work.
  • It is produced from powder-coated aluminum material. It is easy to maintain and can be used for many years.
  • It has very strong, impact-resistant core wall panels.
  • It has very resistant surfaces against chemicals.
  • Aluminum or vinyl coated surfaces can be easily cleaned.
  • It has insulated walls.
  • It can be produced optionally in expandable structures.

Modular Laboratory (Container Lab) Application Areas

Vertisa carries out modular laboratory productions to provide solutions for ventilation, security, room structures, size, and design requirements. Application areas of modular laboratory, also called container lab, when it comes to its use as a medical test laboratory;

  • Blood test
  • Urine test
  • Diabetes test
  • Infectious disease tests
  • Inspection-control tests and more.